Hide your Troubles (in the One Power) [attn; Jon]

Welcome to the Gardens: one of the most tranquil areas of the Tower Grounds.
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Welcome to the Gardens: one of the most tranquil areas of the Tower Grounds. Birds sing in the trees which line the wide paths between beautiful flower beds and serene lakes. There are benches to sit and listen to the waterfall, and there is neatly trimmed grass to lie on and rest. Novices and Soldiers as well as Warders in Training can be seen, sweeping the stone paths as Accepted and Dedicated study from books and relax under leafy trees.
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"The Path of Daggers"
Posts: 1079
Joined: February 21st, 2016, 10:03 pm
PC: Avyra *bloody* Moeryr - Accepted

Hide your Troubles (in the One Power) [attn; Jon]

Post by Avyra » March 15th, 2017, 8:06 pm

Avyra had a student. It was odd, her having more and more approach her and ask for illusion teachings. Torianin Sedai had said she had a gift, and was apparently using her status as an Aes Sedai to brag about her former student.

Avyra didn't like that. She didn't want others to think she some great illusion master when she really wasn't that good at it. But still, she had agreed to teach this eager Novice what she knew.

She sat on a bench in the gardens, very similar to how Torianin had taught her, with a book and a smile. If there was one thing she wasn't going to do, it was project her problems on the student.

However, she wasn't going to let this child patronize her like everyone else seemed to. She had woven a net of all five powers, reversing the weave so no one could see the truth. She had elected to try to make herself look taller. More like an adult. Maybe then she'd be taken seriously.

But, she waited. Any minute now.

"Lord of Chaos"
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Re: Hide your Troubles (in the One Power) [attn; Jon]

Post by Jon » March 18th, 2017, 6:55 pm

Lee loved the gardens. She was all too familiar with the scent of the evergreen foliage. Plantweavers from the Tower kept all sorts of plants in bloom in and out of season. She had not been at the Tower for a winter, but she’d heard that the green remained even in the cold. She would like to see that.

Now, though, she was not in the gardens for pleasure. She was here to work but not to do chores. When the subject of Illusion had come up, Lee had jumped at the idea. It seemed like such an intriguing use of the Power, one she might even be gifted in. She couldn’t be sure as of yet. It was a rare Talent to be an Illusionist, and there was only one woman in the Tower with the gift that others knew—an Accpeted named Avyra.

The other Novices had all smiled and hidden giggles behind their hands when Lee had mentioned who her new teacher was. They had told her of Avyra’s height, or rather lack there of, and they had told stories of the antics in which she’d been involved as a Novice. Lee wasn’t sure what to expect from her new teacher, but she wanted the lessons to go well. So she pushed the rumors out of her mind, determined to let Avyra make her own impression.

Laoise turned the bend and the woman she sought was waiting for her on a bench, reading a book. Lee noticed her green eyes first, staring up at her from the seated position. Lee closed the distance with dignity before curtsying properly for the Accepted. “You must be Avyra,” Lee said with a smile. “I am Laoise, but most people just call me Lee.” She knew that there were not supposed to be friendships between the Novices and the Accepted, but Lee could see friendliness in the other woman’s face. She hoped they could be friends. “Thank you so much for taking the time to teach me”
This is Laoise, or Lee for short.

"The Path of Daggers"
Posts: 1079
Joined: February 21st, 2016, 10:03 pm
PC: Avyra *bloody* Moeryr - Accepted

Re: Hide your Troubles (in the One Power) [attn; Jon]

Post by Avyra » March 27th, 2017, 1:01 am

Avyra swallowed her fear as she heard a voice, the voice of a young, eager pupil, ready to learn with no doubts about her teacher. It was quite... refreshing. But maybe because Lee could not see her true height.

"It is my pleasure, Lee," Avyra replied smoothly with a small wave of her hand. "Its what I'm supposed to do, isn't it?"

She paused, leaning back a touch, trying to keep the Illusion she had up as smooth as possible. "Well, we best start with what you know. Do you know anything about Illusion? What do you hope to get from this class, Lee?" She watched her student with interest, trying to gauge her thoughts before she even opened her mouth to speak.

She was so nervous. She'd never be as good as Torianin was at this teaching thing. Torianin was so kind and gentle, Avyra was just... awkward.

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