Happenings in Hama Valon (open)

Hama Valon, the city around the Grey Tower.
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Welcome to Hama Valon! The aptly named 'mountain guard' is the city that has grown up at the gates of the Grey Tower at the western edge of the Two Rivers. Like all cities, there are quiet quarters with pleasant inns, such as Elman's Creek, which used to be the nearest village when the Tower was young, but was absorbed as the new city grew; its Band of Brothers Inn is still a favorite relaxation spot for many of the Tower's denizens. And again, like all cities the world over, there are less pleasant places--narrow, nameless streets that house hells and other houses of ill repute. Most of the city falls somewhere in between, with hawkers crying their wares in the streets, respectable shopkeepers ready to serve you, and petty cutpurses happy to follow you.

Novices, Soldiers, and drin'far'ji must be accompanied by a chaperon when outside Tower walls or they risk being picked up as runaways and duly punished.
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Happenings in Hama Valon (open)

Post by Adanys » May 30th, 2018, 2:56 am

Avalan Mond'wil
Accompanied by Ji'val Nevala just before noon on a lovely morning, Avalan excited the Grey Tower grounds for the first time since arriving a month ago. Her teachers had told her she could have the day off, so she'd decided to head to Hama Valon.

As they walked through the streets filled with hawkers and vendors, Avalan felt a sense of familiarity. She'd missed the crazy hustle and bustle of a city. She bought a skewer with grilled vegetables and beef covered in spices. She and Nevala wandered around the streets for hours, browsing shops, watching street performers, and eating far too much food. As dinner time came around, the street got fuller as people got off work, headed home or to inns, and the night owls came out. As someone jostled her roughly, Avalan reached for Nevala so as not to lose track of her, but it seems she already had. She looked around for a few minutes, staying in place, but it seems Nevala was gone. They'd planned for this, and had decided should they get separated, they'd head back by themselves so as not to waste hours looking for each other.

She turned down a street to make her way back, but paused in front of the Happy Horseman. It seemed to be a decent inn and she was hungry. She stepped inside, and above the din of the patrons she heard a friendly "Just seat yourself, and I'll be right with you." She did, and it wasn't long before a young serving girl stood before her. She ordered a mug of wine and a bowl of stew with some bread. She wasted no time digging in when the food arrived.

She paused with the last spoonful halfway to her mouth. A tall man with red hair and a beard was watching her from across the room. Not leering the way most men did, but just studying. She squinted at him, then polished off the last of her meal. As she did, he rose and walked over to her, taking a chair and turning it around to straddle it. "Now, forgive my boldness, miss, but you wouldn't be any relation to Sheyna Bastian, would you?" he asked in a friendly, relaxed tone. "Because you look exactly like her, minus the ageless face," she said the last in a low voice.

She froze at her mother's name, eyeing him coolly. "I may or may not know her. Who's asking?" Something about him set her on edge, but seemed so familiar at the same time. The red hair, the high cheekbones..but she was sure she had never seen him before.

"An..old friend, of" he paused, studying her openly, "your mother's?" he ended with a question. Something in her face must have confirmed his guess, because he grinned and nodded. "Thought so. The resemblance is too striking to be anything else. It's been 20 years since I've seen her, but I'd recognize her - or her daughter - anywhere. What's she been up to since?"

20 years? Her parents had already been married at the time, and her mother might have been pregnant with her already at the time. "How do you know her? Are you..a friend of my father's as well? She was already married 20 years ago." He grinned again, and Avalan again found herself with the nagging feeling that she recognized him.
Spoiler: show
Once Avalan leaves the city and heads back to the grounds, I'll open the thread. She'll get in late and alone, and I'm pretty sure she won't be able to slip past her superiors.

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Re: Happenings in Hama Valon (open)

Post by Adanys » May 30th, 2018, 6:13 pm

Avalan Mond'wil
Instead of answering, the stranger beckoned the serving girl over and ordered a mug of ale for himself, then glanced at Avalan. She said she'd have the same. After the girl left, he studied her. "Wolfkin, huh? I guess that means you didn't inherit your mother's ability to channel. A shame...she was very good with the One Power." A wistful tone had entered his voice, and Avalan felt a chill come over her. This man was no ordinary friend, there was far too much fondness in his face and tone.

She thought back to what she'd been told over the years. 20 years ago her father had been sailing for only 2 years, and had been working hard to be successful. Which meant he'd been gone for long periods of time. Her mother, still a bride in all respects, had been left on the farm by herself. With growing horror, she realized this man had likely been her mother's lover. Her mother, hard working, devoted, in love with her father, Light burn it, had had an affair. She downed several large swallows of ale.

She felt her face harden. "How did you meet her, and how long were you two...having an affair?" The words tasted bitter on her tongue. Did her father know? He couldn't..or if he did, he'd obviously forgiven Sheyna.

The stranger leaned back, taking a sip of his ale. "You catch on fast." He smiled softly. "We met when she was selling produce in the village. Her husband had just gone off another sailing trip, and she missed him, felt lonely. I'll spare you the gritty details, but after 7 months she called it off. Told me she'd confessed to her husband and didn't want to keep betraying her marriage. I don't know what he said, but she was a weeping mess." He shook his head, anger in his green eyes, likely aimed at her father.

Avalan picked up her mug and polished it off, seeing the girl head over with a second mug. She grabbed it and took another swallow. "She was pregnant by then," she said softly. "She must have just found out, and seeing as they were starting a family, she must have wanted to clear the air with my father. Th-" she cut off. The stranger had gone pale and was staring in bewilderment.

"She was pregnant?" He ran a hand over his face, then looked at her sharply. "How old are you? 19, then? She was pregnant with you?" At her nod, he seemed to only go paler. "Why...why didn't she tell me?"

Avalan scoffed and leaned towards him. "What concern of yours was it? She was having her husband's child, and you were just a lover she took because she was feeling lonely and needed some comfort," she nearly spat the words.

"Her husband's child?!" he asked, voice filled with incredulity. "She hadn't so much as seen him in 6 months, much less bedded him! He was off on some sailing trip, sending her letters once every several weeks! If she was pregnant, there's no way under the bloody Light it could have been her husband's." He ran an agitated hand through his hair.

His words hit her like a hammer. Her mind raced to sort out what he was telling her, but a mug of wine and two mugs of ale was making it harder. If she wasn't her father's child..she stared at the man in front of her. His red hair, the nose, the grin..the eyes. They were the exact shade of green hers had been before they'd turned gold. Her blood turned cold.

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Re: Happenings in Hama Valon (open)

Post by Adanys » May 31st, 2018, 2:36 am

They stared at each other for several moments. He looked as bewildered as she was angry. Given the timing, there was no way her father hadn't known that she wasn't his daughter. He'd known..but still raised her as his own. This small thought, however, was drowned out by the anger and betrayal she felt boiling up inside her. He father wasn't...her father. This man sitting in front of her was. A man she didn't know.

She clenched her jaw when she felt a stinging in her eyes, forcing the tears back. Not now, not here. Keep it together. "Then..then I'm your daughter. Light. Obviously. I even look a bit like you." She shook her head, and he continued watching her in bewilderment. Well, at least he wasn't falling all over her and carrying on. She leaned forward again. "Now what? Just be clear that I'm not going to go anywhere with you, call you "dad", or let you braid my hair now."

He seemed to shake himself, then laughed softly. "I might have fathered you, but I was never your dad. Not sure if I'm fit to be one even if I do know about you now. You can just call me Ranus." He paused, staring into his mug. He took a deep breath, then looked back up at her. "As much as I'd like to stick around and...bond, we're out of time. By the uniform, I'm guessing you're at the Grey Tower, and by the time, I'm guessing you're late already. I'll send word to you there and one day when we have more time, we can catch up."

Avalan nodded curtly, rising too fast and her head spinning a bit. She placed a hand on the table to steady herself. "Fine. We'll do that." Because she had questions, but right now she was late, confused, angry, and a little drunk it seemed. She turned to go, then paused. "Send your notes to Avalan Mond'wil." She tossed some coin onto the table, not caring if it was enough, and stalked from the inn.

As she burst through the door, she stumbled into someone, and felt hands steadying her, then start to grope at her. "Where you off to in such a hurry, darling?" Avalan felt her tenuous hold on her emotions snap. With a roar that the situation probably didn't warrant, she spun in the man's grasp and backhanded him across his face. Her world spun a bit, but she managed to stay on her feet, her training paying off no doubt. The man cursed and threw a fist at her, she ducked, but not fast enough, and his fist connected with her jaw. She staggered back, then lunged forward and kneed him in the groin. She didn't have time for a clean fight. As he bent over she took a half step back, then brought her foot up and swung it at his head. It connected solidly with his temple, and he crumpled to the ground, stunned. Avalan sneered at him, then took off at a run towards the Tower.

As she ran, her tears flowed unchecked. Hot, bitter tears of hurt, anger, and betrayal. She'd been lied to her entire life, by both her parents. All the years she'd sailed with her father, and he'd never said a word. Blinded by tears and darkness, she stumbled on a rock and went sprawling to the ground. She let out a howl of rage, then collapsed into sobs. She lay there on the path, less than half a mile from the Tower gates, for a good 10 minutes. Finally she dried her face and rose to her feet. She broke into a run. She was already late, and getting in trouble for being late and without her escort was the last thing she needed.

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Re: Happenings in Hama Valon (open)

Post by Roan » June 2nd, 2018, 2:41 am

Riahana Gaidin
Gareth was working late, and Riahana figured if she had to sign one more requisition form or read over one more invoice, her eyes might actually start to bleed. She opted to take a break and go into Hama Valon for dinner and entertainment, as the Band of Brothers was hosting live entertainment. The Mistress of Training wasn’t on her own for too long, as other Gaidin appeared and she shared a drink and a laugh with a handful of her fellow Gaidin.

After perhaps one too many pints of ale, Ria started her walk back to the Tower. The slight evening breeze tugged at her fancloak as she walked. As was usual for her, she rested her hands on her sword belt as she strolled along at a relaxed pace, enjoying the beautiful spring evening. She was in no rush, but someone else clearly was when they nearly bumped into her.

Watching the retreating back of the person, Ria realized the person was a Drin. . .a Drin without a chaperone and out past curfew. Arching a brow, the Mistress of Training called out in her best authoritative voice, “DRIN!” She waited until the woman came to a stop, and approached her, “Explain yourself.”
Spoiler: show
OOC: Once she sees Avalan’s face, she won’t be quite so harsh. Promise.

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Re: Happenings in Hama Valon (open)

Post by Adanys » June 2nd, 2018, 3:28 am

Avalan didn't even know she'd run right past someone until they called out to her. She flinched at the harsh tone. Someone from the Grey Tower nonetheless. She froze, breathing hard. She couldn't do this, not now. Any minute now she was going to fall apart all over again. The woman spoke again, demanding an explanation, and Avalan realized it was Riahana Gaidin, the Mistress of Training. She hadn't seen much of the woman since arriving at the Tower a month ago, and this wasn't how she had wanted to run into her again.

She took a deep breath and turned to face the Gaidin. "I'm sorry I'm late, Riahana Gaidin. I went out with Nevala early today, but we got separated in a crowd." Her voice cracked a little and she cleared her throat, aware that evidence of her tears might still show. She hoped the darkness would conceal it from the woman in front of her. "We'd discussed earlier that if we did get well and truly separated, we'd head back alone instead of wasting time looking for each other." Now, in hindsight, she realized they could have planned a set location to meet in such an event. But then again, hindsight always was 20-20.

She knew her explanation didn't really explain her tardiness, but Riahana Gaidin didn't know when they'd been separated. And since she was coming from town, she likely hadn't seen Navala come back. She scoffed inwardly, knowing that the Gaidin was most likely going to figure it out anyway. Her sharp blue eyes didn't seem to miss much.

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Re: Happenings in Hama Valon (open)

Post by Roan » June 4th, 2018, 3:56 am

Riahana Gaidin
Riahana arched a brow as she listened to Avalan explain how she got separated from her chaperon. She also studied the Drin standing before her, and noticed the streaks down the young woman’s cheeks. She also noticed her yellow eyes were red rimmed, and there was a hint of pink to her nose too.

The Drin was clearly upset, and whatever upset her happened quite recently, which might explain part of the reason why the woman was running back to the Tower. The Mistress of Training took a slow, deep breath and nodded towards the main entrance to the Tower grounds, “Walk with me.”

As the pair started to walk, Ria glanced down, noticing the smudge on the knee of Avalan’s uniform. She didn’t mention that right away and let the pair of them walk in silence for a bit. “Do you want to tell me what has you so upset? I somehow doubt you are upset about missing curfew,” she asked in a soft, almost warm tone.

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Re: Happenings in Hama Valon (open)

Post by Adanys » June 4th, 2018, 6:10 pm

As the Gaidin studied her, Avalan fought the urge to squirm under the scrutiny. Her face was likely tearstained and her nose red - she'd always been an ugly crier. "Walk with me," the other woman said, with a nod towards the gate. Avalan did, and they walked in silence for a while.

Her mind wandered to her conversation with Ranus again, and all the questions she should have asked. But they'd have been there all night and likely most of tomorrow if she'd exhausted all her questions, there simply hadn't been time. And her mind had been far too scrambled to ask the right questions anyway. She clenched her jaw, then winced as it throbbed where the drunk had hit her. She touched it softly, That's gonna produce an ugly bruise.

When the Gaidin next spoke, her tone was warm, and Avalan was surprised how much she just wanted to tell the woman everything. She drew in a shaky breath as her eyes stung again. Bloody ashes, woman! Haven't you sobbed enough for one day? "I met someone in an inn while I was eating dinner," she began carefully. "He knew my mother so we started talking about how and when..." she trailed off and cleared her throat. "The timing of everything...my father not being home..well, it soon became obvious he'd not just been my mother's lover, but that he, and not Garren Mond'wil, is my father." Her story came out broken and not at all in any sensible order, but it was hard to make the words come. She still felt such an overwhelming flood of emotions that she didn't even know how to begin to sort through them all.

She glanced sideways at the Gaidin. "I know this isn't the end of the world, but to me...it bloody near feels that way. My parents both knew, there's no way they couldn't have, but I had to find out because I met the man by chance in an inn! So that's why I was late, and what's got me so upset." She was surprised at the note of sarcasm in her tone. "Forgive me, Riahana Gaidin, I didn't mean to be disrespectful."

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Re: Happenings in Hama Valon (open)

Post by Roan » June 17th, 2018, 2:12 am

Riahana Gaidin
Riahana continued her leisurely walk back towards the Tower grounds, concerned for the Drin, and that concern growing as the woman relayed her story. The familiar bundle in the back of her mind picked up on that concern, and she felt Gareth’s curiosity grow. She looked to Avalan with concern, “It is understandable why you are upset. I don’t think there is any good way to learn your father isn’t who you thought he was, Drin, but I think the man you encountered tonight could have delivered the news with a bit more tact.

“News like this, well, once it’s known, there is no way to ignore it, and it can make a person feel like their world has been turned upside down and inside out. You are right, though, it is not the end of the world. The man you grew up knowing as your father may not be by blood, but he raised you as his own, and loves you as his own. The man you met today, well, he may be your biological father, but family isn’t always defined by blood,” Ria explained, trying her best to put the woman at ease. Part of her wanted to find the man and clock him upside the head. There were ways to deliver such news, and how he handled it certainly wasn’t it.

The Mistress of Training let go a soft sigh, “I know everything feels off kilter, but take each moment as it comes, and focus on your training. Things will be ok, as you know.”
Spoiler: show
OOC: Ria will talk about penance in the next post. She won't be too tough unless you want her to be.

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Re: Happenings in Hama Valon (open)

Post by Adanys » June 17th, 2018, 7:24 pm

Avalan sighed. "That's the thing...he didn't know. We both learned of it tonight. When my mother broke things off with him, she didn't bother telling him she was pregnant. She just left him, and I have no idea what happened with her and my...father." The word now felt awkward and clumsy on her tongue, her mind still trying to figure out where Garren and Ranus fit. "I can't blame his reaction or the way he told me there's no way I could be Garren's child...it wasn't tactful, but it was honest, I guess."

She sniffed and didn't try to hold back the silent tears. The Gaidin's compassion warmed her but didn't make the tears flow any slower, in fact, it only made her want to cry more. "In all of this, I find myself the most angry with my mother. That she would be unfaithful to my father, that she didn't tell me or Ranus...I just don't understand why she could do such a thing. We were so close, I am her only daughter...she's had 19 years. But she never said a word."

She sighed again, wiping her eyes. Her training, yes. She had a life here, a life of hard work that would help keep her busy. "I know things will be alright, I do, but Light is that hard to believe when things feel so upside down. My mind is trying to tell me that everything I know is a lie, but at the same I know that's not true. I know my parents love me, but I also know they've lied about my parentage. My mother is still my mother, my brothers are still the pesks I've always loved, and my father..." her voice cracked. She drew in a deep, steadying breath. "He knew I wasn't his daughter, but he still raised me and took me sailing and called me 'Sweets'..

Her mind cleared a little at this last. Anger at her mother still boiled inside her, but her father had really been her father. She held on to this, pushing the anger and tears back for now. She knew she'd have to deal with it eventually, but not right now. She turned towards the Gaidin. "Thank you for listening to me, I needed that. I can't say I feel better exactly, but a little more clear-headed at least."

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Re: Happenings in Hama Valon (open)

Post by Roan » June 19th, 2018, 12:42 am

Riahana Gaidin
Riahana offered a small, but warm smile, “Of course, Drin. I am sorry for the experience you’ve gone through tonight.” The pair continued walking on, and eventually passed through the gates to the Tower. She turned, guiding them towards the Warder Hall, “Unfortunately, though, you were out past curfew without your chaperone.

“While I understand the why, I would be remiss in my duties if I didn’t hold you responsible for your actions,” the Mistress of Training explained. Ria wasn’t a harsh Mistress of Training, but she felt compelled to be more lenient towards Avalan. It was the woman’s first offense, after all, and she had gotten some rather shocking news.

Tucking her thumbs behind her sword belt, she looked to the Drin, “Report to the kitchens an hour before your lessons, during your free periods, and for an hour after your last lesson. Tell the Mistress of Kitchens I’ve sent you to scrub out pots. You’ll serve your penance for the next month. Understood?”

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