"What a sight for .. sore eyes!" He purred through a slightly slurred tongue with an ale still at his lips. The return to Hama Valon had been long but the last leg had been painfully boring and almost too sobering for words. Especially as his flask he been finished off days ago, it made for Conor feeling less than accommodating and ready to greet his peers within the Warders Yard. And what better way to lighten his mood than to hit every place of pleasure on his way in until he settled at the familiar and friendly sight of the Band of Brothers. A common place for peers to break in the idea that the entertainment of the Yard finally returned. It was only a small disappointment that his roommate, Cody, was not there waiting for him. (Not that Cody would know, but Conor would inform him otherwise after the fact. It was only proper.)
The blonde that had only just replaced the tall ale frowned upon him with a hand on her hip. "Missed me that much, hm?"
Conor looked up at the barmaid with a smile and a sloppy Palfrey! wink. "When you face death, it is the ale that is lovely. Though, you are very lovely too, Mari. But I know I am not your type." He was never their type unless he had more coin. The Amadecian gold was bitter, but it paid for his needs. He needed his Tower coin back. It felt odd to have no flame marked crowns.
She frowned deeper but left him with his ale. Letting who else was there deal with his drunki-ness. Save herself from having to clean up his puke.