Gifted [Attn: Liaran Sedai]

Hama Valon, the city around the Grey Tower.
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Welcome to Hama Valon! The aptly named 'mountain guard' is the city that has grown up at the gates of the Grey Tower at the western edge of the Two Rivers. Like all cities, there are quiet quarters with pleasant inns, such as Elman's Creek, which used to be the nearest village when the Tower was young, but was absorbed as the new city grew; its Band of Brothers Inn is still a favorite relaxation spot for many of the Tower's denizens. And again, like all cities the world over, there are less pleasant places--narrow, nameless streets that house hells and other houses of ill repute. Most of the city falls somewhere in between, with hawkers crying their wares in the streets, respectable shopkeepers ready to serve you, and petty cutpurses happy to follow you.

Novices, Soldiers, and drin'far'ji must be accompanied by a chaperon when outside Tower walls or they risk being picked up as runaways and duly punished.
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Gifted [Attn: Liaran Sedai]

Post by Bella » March 10th, 2018, 1:02 am

Haeden was just about at his wit's end.

Day by day, it drew ever closer. At the start of all of this, he had told himself that he had plenty of time. Then, very suddenly, he had no time left at all. It was now or never, and he stood upon that precipice, entirely adrift and confused. He had no direction at this point, and time was constricting around him.

He had only one glimmer of hope. He was equally nervous about pursuing that, worried about the reaction, but he wasn't sure what else to do. He knew his mother was technically an option, but he couldn't bring himself to speak with her. He had few friends outside of his family, and of those he had, they just would not suit.

And thus, he found himself before a door in the Blue Hall. Hoping he was not about to intrude too terribly, as he lifted his hand and knocked on Liaran's door.

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Re: Gifted [Attn: Liaran Sedai]

Post by Alianora » March 11th, 2018, 2:28 am

Liaran had curled up in one of her chairs, feet tucked under her and head bent over the book she was reading. The Aes Sedai was absorbed in planning for the students she'd be taking on over the next few days, so much so that the knock at her door startled her. She jumped, and the book in her hands fell to the floor. She sighed, stood up from the chair, and put the book down on the small table beside it. In the very short time it had taken her to do that, Shadow had also heard the knock and had risen from where she'd been lying to run to the door herself. By the time Liaran reached it, the dog was blocking the door.

She pushed the dog aside gently, then opened the door just a little to peek through. Shadow pushed forward, sticking her snout out through the cracked door. Liaran's dark eyes lit with surprise when she recognized Haeden, who she had most definitely not expected to be on the other side of her door. If it was a surprise, however, it wasn't an unwelcome one, as the Gaidin had somehow become one of the few people Liaran didn't mind letting into her home. She smiled, opening the door wider and shooing Shadow away from it.

"Haeden," she greeted him. "You can come in, if you want," she said, not entirely sure why he was here instead of down in the Warder Yards where she would have thought he'd be. It seemed rude to her to ask, so she didn't. If he had some particular reason for coming to see her, he would just have to tell her himself, and Liaran would wait.

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Re: Gifted [Attn: Liaran Sedai]

Post by Bella » March 14th, 2018, 12:08 am

The face that came through the door first was not at all the one he had expected, but somehow seeing the dog made Haeden relax a little. By the time Liaran peered out, the Gaidin was able to offer an easier smile than would have been granted just a few moments before. She opened the door further and, almost to his surprise, invited him in.

Haeden stepped inside, rubbing the back of his neck almost sheepishly. "Liaran," he greeted with a nod, holding a hand out for Shadow to sniff while he spoke. "I hope that I'm not intruding. I know that I am unannounced." He cut himself short before he started sounding more like a babbling brook than a calm river.

"It's just that... Well, I need help." He paused and laughed, shaking his head. "That sounds far more dramatic than it is. I suppose, I need a favor? I..." He felt embarrassed admitting this, but he was stuck now. "I need to buy a gift for my sister, and I'm lost."

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Re: Gifted [Attn: Liaran Sedai]

Post by Alianora » March 14th, 2018, 10:06 pm

Liaran looked around her room and wondered what made Haeden think she could possibly be of any use with that task. Even the room she stood in suggested that she wouldn't be able to offer much assistance. Aside from the painting of a raker that hung over the fireplace, and the two Sea Folk porcelain vases on the mantel, the room held little to identify it as her own, and that just wasn't something that concerned Liaran much. Despite her doubts, Liaran couldn't tell Haeden no. When she looked back at the Gaidin, intending to say so, she saw that Shadow seemed to have taken a liking to him. The dog hadn't left his side, and was looking up at him, clearly hoping for attention, and wagging her skinny tail.

Liaran sighed and glared at the animal. "Don't let her bother you," she told Haeden, not sure what her guest thought of her rather pushy dog. "I can send her to another room if she gets irritating." Having dealt with Shadow, Liaran went back to the topic that had brought Haeden to her rooms. "I don't think I'll be much help to you, but I'm happy to try," she said. "You'll have to tell me about your sister, though, I don't think I've ever met her."

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Re: Gifted [Attn: Liaran Sedai]

Post by Bella » March 19th, 2018, 3:37 pm

Haeden smiled as he offered the dog the attention she was after. "Oh, she's fine," he said with a chuckle. "She's just being friendly."

Then to the other... "Namely, I just need a second person to help make sure I don't pick out something ghastly. I don't know. I have the tastes of a man who spends all his time in the Warder Yards and normally, I'd get her a sword or something, but she has enough." He shook his head a little.

"My sister... Sadira. She's a Blue as well and was head of the Ajah for a while, so you may know a little of her. She's been Aes Sedai forever, but don't let her know I told you that. She's always been more... She uses her sword as often as the One Power. Headstrong like our mother, but likes pretty things too. Although she doesn't like to admit it."

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Re: Gifted [Attn: Liaran Sedai]

Post by Alianora » March 20th, 2018, 9:41 pm

Liaran had heard of Sadira before, but she didn't think she'd ever met the other Blue. What Haeden told her didn't give her much to go on, and she ended up asking several questions at once. "Does she have any hobbies? Have you asked her what she wants? Do you have to have her gift ready by a certain day?" she asked in an attempt to get a little more information. She tried to think about it, but wasn't coming up with any ideas. She couldn't remember the last time she'd had to get a present for anyone, and she found it frustrating to try to think of one for someone she didn't know.

Liaran's eyes drifted from the Gaidin to her dog, who was still sitting at his feet making a pest of herself. He'd claimed not to mind her, but Liaran knew from experience that Shadow could get annoying rather quickly for people who weren't used to her. As she waited for a response to her questions, Liaran considered calling the dog away, but before she could, Shadow left Haeden alone and laid down in front of the fireplace. With that problem solved, she looked back at Haeden, wondering if he'd realized yet that she probably was not going to be much help.

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Re: Gifted [Attn: Liaran Sedai]

Post by Bella » March 27th, 2018, 11:19 pm

Haeden was almost sad when the dog left, but it was perhaps for the best. Liaran seemed worried about his reaction to Shadow, and they perhaps had to focus.

"It's for her birthday, so I need it by then," he confessed. "It is a family curse to work too hard, so her hobbies are limited. And it seems if I ask her and get her what she asks, there's less...effort involved? I want to not put that on her." He paused, and realized what he said. With a crooked smile, he rubbed his neck. "So, apparently, I'm going to put it on you."

He shook his head with a self-deprecating laugh. "I'm not asking you to come up with ideas. I mean, I can't expect you to if I can't so easily. I was wondering if, when you have a moment to spare, you could...come into Hama Valon with me while I look at the merchant shops and booths and just...warn me off something that seems like a bad idea?"

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Re: Gifted [Attn: Liaran Sedai]

Post by Alianora » March 28th, 2018, 9:56 pm

"I can do that," Liaran said with a nod, relieved that Haeden didn't expect her to have any idea what to get for his sister. She glanced at the book she'd been reading earlier before adding, "We'll probably have to go in the next few days, though, if you can. I'll be teaching again soon, and once that starts I might not have time." She looked towards the fireplace, checking on Shadow, who had been laying with her eyes open, watching them. The dog climbed to her feet, heading towards Liaran.

The Aes Sedai grabbed the arm of one of her chairs to keep herself upright as her dog leaned against her legs. Liaran petted her, but Shadow was quick to move on, doing the same to Haeden. Liaran looked at him nervously, not sure if Shadow was bothering him yet. "I think she likes you," she said with a smile, and hoped he wasn't getting tired of her dog's need for attention.

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Re: Gifted [Attn: Liaran Sedai]

Post by Bella » March 30th, 2018, 7:47 pm

Haeden knelt down and smiled at the dog, receiving a slight head-butt to the mouth for his efforts, but he laughed as he spat out dog dander. "I'm glad she does," he said, scratching her behind the ears. He was beginning to wonder why he'd never had a dog. Maybe he needed to change that. He could train him, or her, to be a Dog of Battle.

The idea and name twirled in his mind and he liked it, but then he remembered he was here for a reason.

He looked up and met her eyes with a small smile. " have any free time now?" he asked. He hated to feel like he was being presumptuous, but if there was a time table, then maybe now was better than later. If she was able, and didn't mind, of course. But the only dumb question was the one unasked.

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Re: Gifted [Attn: Liaran Sedai]

Post by Alianora » April 1st, 2018, 6:04 pm

Haeden's suggestion that they go now took Liaran by surprise, and the Aes Sedai idly tapped her fingers against her leg while she thought about it. Eventually, she came to the conclusion that although she did have more work to do now than she'd had in weeks past, there was nothing so urgent that it couldn't wait. She looked down at Haeden where he knelt petting Shadow. "I can go now," she said, then smiled as she continued, "but I'm not sure Shadow is going to let you go anywhere." Liaran looked down at her bare feet. I suppose I should put on shoes.

She left the room then to retrieve her shoes, and was glad when she was almost immediately followed by her dog. Shadow sniffed at the shoes while Liaran put them on, and then jumped onto her bed to lay down, looking rather like the shadows she'd been named for. The Aes Sedai patted the dog on the head, then returned to the room where Haeden was waiting. "Are you ready?" she asked.

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