Skirts, Quirks, and Beginner’s Flirts (Av!)

Hama Valon, the city around the Grey Tower.
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Welcome to Hama Valon! The aptly named 'mountain guard' is the city that has grown up at the gates of the Grey Tower at the western edge of the Two Rivers. Like all cities, there are quiet quarters with pleasant inns, such as Elman's Creek, which used to be the nearest village when the Tower was young, but was absorbed as the new city grew; its Band of Brothers Inn is still a favorite relaxation spot for many of the Tower's denizens. And again, like all cities the world over, there are less pleasant places--narrow, nameless streets that house hells and other houses of ill repute. Most of the city falls somewhere in between, with hawkers crying their wares in the streets, respectable shopkeepers ready to serve you, and petty cutpurses happy to follow you.

Novices, Soldiers, and drin'far'ji must be accompanied by a chaperon when outside Tower walls or they risk being picked up as runaways and duly punished.
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"The Path of Daggers"
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Skirts, Quirks, and Beginner’s Flirts (Av!)

Post by Jenn » February 17th, 2017, 6:16 am

There was one thing that the Amadician had mastered quickly in the time he had been M’Hael: delegation.

Oh there were times when it was not possible; information that was sealed to the Flame, Fang, and Blade for instance. Sensitive trade agreements with... certain discerning parties were another thing that had to be dealt with personally. Even missives from particularly vexing nobles that thought their perfumed correspondences deserved his undivided attention... Those he answered as quickly and as briefly as he could, having to remind himself often that ridding the world of pompous idiocy was not sufficient enough reason to justify his actions, should he be caught and subsequently tried for murder. Pity, that.

The rest... it was dependent on his mood, really, whether or not he foisted off the never ending paperwork onto eager clerks. Today found him in just such a mood.

Zeen strolled away from the Band of Brothers, a wrapped parcel of dried meat, cheeses, and bread in one hand while he held a tankard in the other. He had no intention of staying indoors anymore than he had do, the brown haired man reveling in the sensation of something as simple as the breeze gliding over his skin. A cursory check along both bonds showed that nothing was amiss. He smiled then, the Asha’man’s pace indolent and unhurried as he allowed the crowds to swallow him up. He was content to drift along with the ebb and flow of people that filled Hama Valon’s streets.

Eventually he found a stone bench to sit, shaded beneath a wide sprawling oak. It was cool and relatively quiet. Silver-grey eyes watched those that passed as he ate slowly, savouring the taste of his meal, savouring this rare moment of peace. He had not told anyone, not even Red, but Zeen no longer felt quite right while indoors; even when it rained, or stormed... being inside did not feel right. It went beyond the feeling of being stifled, or cooped up. It was as if he was... cut off from part of himself. Perhaps it was related to his Earthsinging Talent. Perhaps it was because of... other things. Long fingers drifted up absently to brush at his throat. Whatever the case, he was reluctant to voice what he felt out loud; he had no desire to spend anymore time in the Infirmary than he already did.

Discomfited, the Amadician resumed his meandering, in no real hurry to reach his intended destination. The fields just beyond the bustle of the city were not as wild as he preferred, but it would serve his purpose today well enough. He had time enough to get there and sit, clear his head, before he would be missed.
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Re: Skirts, Quirks, and Beginner’s Flirts (Av!)

Post by Avyra » February 18th, 2017, 3:51 am

They say not all those who wander are lost.

But she was pretty darn lost.

Well, not physically at least. Avyra knew exactly where she was, in the streets of Hama Valon, window shopping as usual, as she couldn't afford, like, anything. Maybe, one day, she could afford to buy and tailor a set of nice dresses.

One day.

She walked, not really drawing any attention as she made her way through the crowded street. But she had to get away for a moment.

Well, her wandering soon made her lost, and she was in a part of Hama Valon she had never seen before. She blinked and kept going, feet silent on the now emptier street. It was a nice change. The air still smelled, though.

Eventually she found herself in a field just outside of town. If it could be called a field. It was more like a plot of land just outside a bustling metro, nothing very wild and clean. Nothing she wanted to be in.

So she was about to turn around when she spotted a familiar form. Zeen? She brightened, making her way over and plopped down into the grass beside the huge Asha'man. "Well, I'm not sure you'll find trollocs to kill here," she pointed out. "Or snow to throw at an Accepted." She paused. "Maybe a few wasps to slay. You'd be a real hero then."

Her face wore a smile; she actually seemed happier. Something about her on that day just seemed to radiate with much more happiness than should have been able to fit into such a little woman.

But then she realized something. Her face fell and she made a hasty move to stand. "Sorry, I didn't ask before I joined you. I can leave you alone if you like, Asha'man Zeen."

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Re: Skirts, Quirks, and Beginner’s Flirts (Av!)

Post by Jenn » February 20th, 2017, 11:33 pm

“Well, I'm not sure you'll find trollocs to kill here.”

Silver-grey eyes snapped open, his arms jerking upwards as he shot into an upright sitting position from his prone position flat on his back. His mind was slow to shake off the pleasant daze that had enveloped his thoughts, Zeen blinking slowly at the sudden presence of another immediately next to him.


Broad shoulders tensed before his gaze registered exactly who it was that had spoken to him. He relaxed even as he pulled in a deep, steadying breath.

“Or snow to throw at an Accepted.” Avyra’s pause was signifcant and he could not help but grin a little at her. “Maybe a few wasps to slay. You'd be a real hero then.”

The Amadician flopped down onto his back again, his arms pillowing the back of his head so he was still propped up enough to see her. Light, but she had startled him. He had not expected anyone to come across him; as far as he could tell, no one save for Callie and Red, knew that he had even left the Tower proper. Her face suddenly fell.

“Sorry, I didn't ask before I joined you. I can leave you alone if you like, Asha'man Zeen.”

He blinked at her, a slight frown coming to his face. “You are welcome to stay, doveling, if you do not mind that all I wish to do at the moment is enjoy the warmth and the sun and being outdoors. It will be boring without any Trollocs to kill, or snow to toss about every which way. I could make snow... well, eventually. But that would require effort, and I am afraid that I am currently indifferent towards expending any but the bare minimum. And I avoid wasps when I can, even if it means forgoing being a hero. I dislike being stung.” He looked askance at the Accepted for a long moment before he smiled warmly. “Perhaps it is you that shall save me from the terrible little blighters.”

Charming phrase, that. Blighter. Something he had picked up from one of his Warders.

The corners of his eyes crinkled. “It is good to see you again, Avyra. What brings you out here?” Zeen was curious; whether she decided that he meant Hama Valon or to the small field just beyond, he was content with either answer. “I had to escape the monotony of paperwork,” he offered first, “and get out of the Tower for a while, or I was going to go mad.”
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Jenn's Tracker - come write with me!

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Re: Skirts, Quirks, and Beginner’s Flirts (Av!)

Post by Avyra » February 21st, 2017, 1:47 pm

Avyra laid down beside him, quite liking his answer. Expending the bare minimum seemed like a good way to spend the afternoon, in all honesty, and she couldn't think of something better. However, she took her wasp hunting job very seriously.

“It is good to see you again, Avyra. What brings you out here?” He paused. “I had to escape the monotony of paperwork and get out of the Tower for a while, or I was going to go mad.”

She smiled. "That is enough to make anyone go mad, I think." She paused. "I usually come out to Hama Valon in the afternoon. Its an easy way to kill time, and I enjoy window-shopping." She paused. "I would like to be able to buy one of those beautiful dresses in the window, but I fear it wouldn't be flattering on me. Besides, I'd have to get it tailored to no end, and that's just more expensive. Really, why? I'm paying more money for less dress. Absurd."

She leaned back, watching the blue sky. "I actually didn't know this was back here. My wanderings led me a bit further than usual today. I quite like it." She just hoped she wasn't getting grass stains on her Accepted dress.

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"The Path of Daggers"
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Re: Skirts, Quirks, and Beginner’s Flirts (Av!)

Post by Jenn » February 26th, 2017, 4:38 am

“I quite like it here as well. It is not as wild or untamed as I prefer, but it is something different from the Gardens.” It was also much more difficult to be found out here in the city.

He watched the Accepted out of the corner of his eye as she spoke, forehead furrowing slightly. “And why are you afraid that the beautiful dresses you see will not be flattering on you? Or think that it is not worthwhile to get them fitted to you? That is what a good seamstress does, doveling, and when you do find yourself a good one, it is worth every penny charged, I assure you.”

Zeen smiled, his teasing gentle. “I am certain they exist in Hama Valon. And if not, well... we are near enough to Katar or Bandar Eban to remedy that. And while you might think it absurd, there is nothing that quite matches the feeling of clothes that have been perfectly tailored for you and you alone. I think it would be a worthwhile endeavour, a beautiful dress for a beautiful girl.”

The Amadician’s gaze returned to the sky. Perhaps she would believe him, perhaps not. He certainly did not style himself like someone that had once had all of his clothing meticulously fitted to his body’s every dip and curve. He could easily afford to have his clothes tailored twice over now, but the fact of the matter was that he abhorred the entire process. He disliked being poked and prodded at, turned every which way.

And yet he could not deny the truth of what he had spoken. There really was no feeling quite like donning on an outfit that had been made specifically for him. Zeen’s expression became contemplative. Perhaps, and it was a very weak perhaps, it was time to... at least have some properly fitted shirts and coats on hand. Without the high collars. In case he ever found himself in a situation where he had to intimidate, charm, impress, and summarily subdue by force of presence alone. He stamped out that thought and refocused on the present. That was a headache he did not need to consider right now.

“When you attain the shawl, doveling, I will buy you a dress. And we shall get it tailored from a seamstress that you like. It will be a congratulatory present, if you will.”
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Re: Skirts, Quirks, and Beginner’s Flirts (Av!)

Post by Avyra » February 28th, 2017, 12:58 am

She could see his gray eyes watching her from the corner of his eyes, not looking directly at her when he spoke. He did seem very distracted. Not a bad thing, but something must be on his mind.

“I am certain they exist in Hama Valon. And if not, well... we are near enough to Katar or Bandar Eban to remedy that. And while you might think it absurd, there is nothing that quite matches the feeling of clothes that have been perfectly tailored for you and you alone. I think it would be a worthwhile endeavour, a beautiful dress for a beautiful girl.”

She squeaked a bit, face reddening substantially, almost like she had gotten a sunburn. Beautiful?! In these clothes?! He must be losing his mind.

He didn't seem to notice, and paused for a few minutes before continuing. “When you attain the shawl, doveling, I will buy you a dress. And we shall get it tailored from a seamstress that you like. It will be a congratulatory present, if you will.”

And that would be the second dress she had been offered when she was raised. She coughed, seeming to shrink a little. "Oh, Asha'man Zeen, that is awfully kind! But... I can't take your money like that! Trust me! There's no need." She didn't want him worrying about her needs once she was raised.

The little Accepted paused, feeling something in the back of her head, then she sneezed. It sounded like a little kitten.

"Sorry." If it was possible, she reddened even more.

What an image she was setting for herself.

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Re: Skirts, Quirks, and Beginner’s Flirts (Av!)

Post by Jenn » March 2nd, 2017, 7:08 am

“There is nothing to apologize for.”

Zeen valiantly attempted to still his face and stifle his delight, noting the way that Accepted flushed and hastily looked away. He failed on both counts. He was not trying to embarrass her further, but he could not help himself.

“I do believe that has to be one of the most adorable sounds I have ever heard, Avyra.” The corners of his eyes crinkled as a wide smile appeared, transforming his entire bearing, the sound that moved through his chest oddly reminiscent of a... giggle.

“Oh do not glare at me so, doveling. It is a good thing. I think it suits you.” Her expression told him all he needed to know about her thoughts on the matter and he lifted his hands, palms facing outwards as he attempted to placate her. “Very well, I am mistaken. It does not suit you at all.”

The Amadician chuckled quietly before clearing his throat. “And the dress for you would be both my honour and my pleasure.” His voice was lower and warmer than usual, made so by the notes of laughter that still coloured his words. “I know that you do not wish to simply take my coin. I know that you can see to your own needs. One does not need a gift, doveling. That is the entire point of them.”

Zeen arched a brow at her. “It is my hope that you will allow me to do so. Because if you do not... well...” he trailed off, turning slightly so that he could look at her directly. He flashed her his most disarming smile. “I shall simply have to raid your closets at some point before you are Raised and use what I find there as a reference to give the seamstress.”
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Re: Skirts, Quirks, and Beginner’s Flirts (Av!)

Post by Avyra » March 3rd, 2017, 9:17 pm

Avyra wanted to slap that smirk right off his square jaw. Adorable! What a lie! It was embarrassing, that's what it was!

Besides, Aes Sedai weren't supposed to be "adorable."

Although he let the subject drop, she could still hear deep tones of laughter and amusement in his chest as he threatened to go through her clothes and find something to give to a seamstress. She bit her lip and huffed, wanting to drop the subject. With any luck, he'd forget about his promise. She didn't want him to waste his money on her.

However, Avyra tilted her head, slightly. That was the first time she had ever, in her life, heard the M'hael laugh. He had a wonderful laugh, in fact.

She scooted herself a touch closer, having a slight idea. "Fine. Since you are so deadset on wasting your coin on me, you can buy me a dress. But please, watch the length on it." She paused, the whole time scooting closer, until she could touch him. This might not be the best idea. He was three times her size, and probably could break her in half if he wanted to. But her entire being was full of bad ideas, what difference did this one make?

"But I have to say, Asha'man Zeen, you really should laugh more. It suits you."

She tickled his side.

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Re: Skirts, Quirks, and Beginner’s Flirts (Av!)

Post by Jenn » March 6th, 2017, 9:25 pm

“How many times must I repeat that it is not a waste of coin?” Zeen turned to look at her, exasperated. “I will not say it again. Besides, I will have you know that I am a grown man, and quite capable of deciding who and what I spend it on -” His voice cut off abruptly. Her comment about his laugh sunk in.

“Thank you.” The Amadician frowned at her, uncertain for a moment. “I think.” Why was she suddenly so close? He pushed himself up onto his elbows, silver-grey eyes narrowing slightly. What is she - A loud yelp interrupted his thought, the broad man inhaling sharply as something wriggled into his side. Completely unprepared and caught off guard, he could not stop the breathless burst of laughter that escaped.

“Stop. Stop! Light! Ah-h-av... rah...” he gasped, unable to form the Accepted’s name properly.

She did not, and the Asha’man’s body instinctively curled in on itself as he flailed unsuccessfully at the delicate little fingers that seemed to be everywhere at once. He could not defend against them all. Zeen was laughing uncontrollably now, squirming as he desperately sought to get away. His feet dug into the ground and somehow, using that as leverage, he managed to roll himself away. Dishevelled, with pieces of grass stuck in his hair, he cursed loudly when he was finally able to come up for air.

“Avyra Moeryr, what under the bloody Light was that?!” he blared, grey eyes baleful as he glowered darkly at her.
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Re: Skirts, Quirks, and Beginner’s Flirts (Av!)

Post by Avyra » March 8th, 2017, 10:36 pm

She giggled along with him. Who would have guessed that the M'hael, the Fang of Hama Valon, was ticklish!? She couldn't get over it!

He managed to scramble away, turning back to glare darkly at her.

“Avyra Moeryr, what under the bloody Light was that?!”

Avyra was about to die. She stopped, eyes widening, a flash of fear shining in them. However, she quickly regained her composure as she stared back at the huge man before her.

"Payback. For calling me adorable," she said flatly. She paused. "Please don't put an Avyra sized hole in the ground right here. Granted, it wouldn't be a big hole or hard to fix, but I'd rather it not happen..."

Avyra had no idea what was running through his head. But then she caught sight of something else, and her composure broke back into giggles. She couldn't even point, she just laid back into the grass, giggling like mad.

In fact, Avyra was almost crying. She could barely breathe, she was laughing so hard. Wiping tears from her eyes, she tried to lean back up but couldn't quite make it without collapsing again.

"What did.... you do... to your hair....!" She managed between breaths. "Please... don't kill... me...!"

She was unsure if he appreciated this, but she was having the time of her life.

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