Unexpected Reunion [Attn: Jaryd]

Hama Valon, the city around the Grey Tower.
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Welcome to Hama Valon! The aptly named 'mountain guard' is the city that has grown up at the gates of the Grey Tower at the western edge of the Two Rivers. Like all cities, there are quiet quarters with pleasant inns, such as Elman's Creek, which used to be the nearest village when the Tower was young, but was absorbed as the new city grew; its Band of Brothers Inn is still a favorite relaxation spot for many of the Tower's denizens. And again, like all cities the world over, there are less pleasant places--narrow, nameless streets that house hells and other houses of ill repute. Most of the city falls somewhere in between, with hawkers crying their wares in the streets, respectable shopkeepers ready to serve you, and petty cutpurses happy to follow you.

Novices, Soldiers, and drin'far'ji must be accompanied by a chaperon when outside Tower walls or they risk being picked up as runaways and duly punished.
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Unexpected Reunion [Attn: Jaryd]

Post by Roan » January 16th, 2017, 1:03 am

Tia Tomosan
Tia Tomosan pulled her dark green cloak tighter around her shoulders as she left the Tower grounds and found her way into the heart of Hama Valon. Beneath the cloak, she wore a simple white blouse with a green and silver doublet on top. Black form fitting breeches and black riding boots rounded out the ensemble as the hard soles of her boots seemed to give her stride rhythm. She headed to the winter market, on the hunt for a small gift for her brother as their birthday was coming up, and she hoped to surprise him.

The winter market had always been a favorite of Tia’s, as the variety of vendors was more varied than usual. She kept her eyes open for any vendor who might sell books, though most seemed to sell clothing, jewelry, baked goods, or other miscellaneous things. As she wasn’t in a hurry, she took her time as different stalls caught her attention.

One jewelry maker had simple silver necklaces with pendants of various colors on display, and they caught her eye. The stall was manned by an older woman, and a younger man. The woman appeared to be the craftswoman behind the work, as she looked up from a small work table with what appeared to be a work in progress, “Come in and browse, deary. Devlin can assist you if you’d like to see what anything looks like on.”

Tia offered the woman a small smile, “Thank you, ma’am.” She spared a glance to the man and gave him an acknowledging nod, though his gaze lingered a bit too long for her liking. She turned her attention to their wares, and saw a pendant that made her think of her Memma and ran her fingers along it’s smooth green surface.

“Here, let’s see what it looks like on,” the man said.

With a polite smile, Tia held up a hand, “Oh no. . .I wasn’t thinking for me, but for someone else.”

“Nonsense. . .someone as alluring as you deserves something as luxurious as this,” the man insisted and picked it up before moving to stand behind Tia. She felt herself tense as he brought the chain around her neck, but did her best to appear relaxed and worry-free. “There. . .see? I feel it suits you.”

Tia looked at her reflection, and gave a weak smile, “I appreciate that, but it is not really my style. As I said, I was thinking for someone else.”

The man couldn’t hide his disappointment as Tia stepped away from him, but he wasn’t so easily swayed, “Well what of this one? Smaller, simpler?”

“Devlin. . .leave the young woman in peace,” the woman urged.

Tia did not miss the look he shot her, and thought it best if she moved on, “Thank you for your time.”

As she stepped away, the man grabbed her arm, “But I have more to show you.”

The Aes Sedai tensed, “I must be going. If you please, I would appreciate it if you’d let go.”

“Devlin. What have I told you?” the woman set her work down and stood up. “I am sorry, deary. He is a bit slow in some respects. Getting him to help with the booth is my way of teaching him to interact properly with others.”

Tia offered her a weak smile, “I understand, though I admit he’s made me more than a little uncomfortable. Others might not be so...understanding. Good evening.” Without a moment’s pause, she walked away, her heart still pounding from the interaction. She didn’t notice how Devlin stared after her as she walked away.

The winter market was large enough that one could spend quite a bit of time wandering the various booths. The creepy jewelry vendor was forgotten as Tia lost herself in other wares, and eventually found a bookseller. She found a book she thought Einion would love, and once it was paid for, thought to head to the Band of Brothers for a meal.

The inn was on the other side of town, but Tia knew her way through various back streets. Hama Valon had always been relatively safe, despite its size, so she thought nothing of cutting down an alleyway. As shadows closed in, someone grabbed her from behind and slammed her against the wall before a sizeable hand closed around her neck.

Panic flooded the Aes Sedai, and she opened herself to the Source, but was unable to channel, pinned as she was. She looked to her attacker with wide eyes, and saw Devlin staring back at her, sneering, “You shoudna walked away. You got me in trouble with mah. I was just trying to be friendly. Why did you have to be so stuck up?”

The man’s grip tightened around her neck, and her vision narrowed as Tia gripped his hand and tried to push it away. She tried to call out, but could only croak thanks to his grip. Her heart seemed to pound in her chest, and she started to flail, kick, and do anything to get away from him. The hand on her neck caused other memories to slam into her. . .memories of an a’dam. Memories of Aluana.

Tia couldn’t fight back, helpless once again as blackness consumed her. An Aes Sedai she might be, but what good was it to hold such power when a simple thug could kill you with his bare hands? After that fleeting thought came nothingness. . .

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Re: Unexpected Reunion [Attn: Jaryd]

Post by Sunny » January 16th, 2017, 1:05 am

The snow-laden clouds hung about Jaryd in a comforting shroud, masking the distance from where he stood to the nearest wall. The mist was the only reason he was able to leave the Tower at all; the vast emptiness of a clear sky would swallow him whole and toss him on his face at Regann’s feet without a moment of notice. When that happened he forgot about the hole where Kaia should be; the pain he felt became only the pain the sul’dam dealt him. For a time there was a different kind of pain, the kind that brought a faint thread of hope that Kaia would come to find him.

For a time.

Sometimes that dream was too tempting to ignore, but he had discovered something to keep him focused. He owed Kaia one last gift before his thread snapped for good, and anger fueled his resolve. He could not extract the debt the Seanchan owed in his current state...and that meant pushing himself until he thought he would break and then pushing some more. Thus the Altaran left the Tower at least twice a week to explore roofs and alleys with shaking fingers and uncertain feet.

On that particular day he took note of a tall figure in a dark green cloak. He followed her quietly through her errands in Hama Valon, using her as his unwitting reason for staying out long past the point he would normally have returned to his quarters. He had not spoken to Tia since their ordeal with the Seanchan, and now he saw her, he found himself regretting the silence. How had she dealt with her captivity? She certainly seemed to be doing better than he had, or even Zeen.

Snow and ice made his passage more difficult than usual, but the Green remained oblivious. Finally she disappeared into the market (a buzzing hive of bodies and fragile canopies that Jaryd lacked the will to brave in that moment) and he settled against a chimney to wait. When at last he caught sight of her again it was to see her s lip down a side street with a bundle under her arm.

The gray-clad Asha’man watched silently, debating whether to follow. Surely he had done enough that day, and there was no clear path to where she traveled. Excuses piled up until they satisfied the edge of inexplicable guilt he felt at ending his exercise. Even as he began to turn, however, he saw another figure follow the Aes Sedai down the narrow path, the stranger’s demeanor screaming of mischief.

Jaryd’s fatigue and fear dissipated as if they had not existed, dark eyes widening in disbelief. In Hama Valon? Some vestige of the responsibility and ownership he had felt as M’Hael returned to him then, and the dark man swung off the edge of the roof without a second thought. He hung by his fingertips for a count of five before closing his eyes and releasing his grip. Thump. He stumbled and fell as he landed, the breath knocked out of him by the force of impact. Gasping for air he rolled to his feet and began to run. He ducked beneath the rope that separated customers from merchants and skirted around the edge of the market, ignoring the angry calls of the stall keepers.

Had it been this alley? Or that one? Ah. There.

The narrow passage led between two tall buildings, then meandered to the right. As he came around the shallow corner he saw two figures on the ground, one still and the other cursing frantically as he pushed and pulled at his victim. “Do you know the punishment for assaulting a woman in this city?” Red asked, his voice barely more than a whisper. “Do you know the punishment for laying a single unwanted finger on an Aes Sedai?”

Tia’s assailant froze at the first word, then pushed himself up and turned. As soon as the stranger took in Jaryd he rolled his eyes in dismissive annoyance. “I could squish you like a bug, little man. Go away.” He made to turn back to his business.

The Altaran crossed the distance between them in two steps, his fist fueled by uncontrollable rage and fear and grief as it crashed into the larger man’s jaw. The blow hurt, but the sensation barely registered as saidin roared through him. Air snaked around the other man’s limbs and unceremoniously ripped him away from Tia. Air, Spirit, and Fire wove into a net and the space around the stranger visibly sparked when he tried to move. “I would not do that if I were you,” Red commented coldly. “It will only get worse.”

Ignoring the livid curses that rolled out of his Power-wrought cage, the Asha’man turned his attention back to Tia. She lay still, but to his relief her chest rose and fell slowly. She seemed unharmed, and yet... he fell to his knees beside her and put his fingers to her forehead. Spirit, Air, and Water spun into the only Healing he knew; unfortunately, it wasn’t the kindest combination of flows.

The younger woman gasped and spasmed, looking around wildly as her eyes flew open. “You’re safe,” Jaryd said, sitting back hastily. Tingles flew up and down his body and he raised his hands in instinctive, if pointless, defense. The air solidified around him, chilled past bearing even given the snow, and he could taste metal on his tongue. Bloody Creator!

Lightning flashed a moment later and the dark man cursed, pushing himself backward just in time. “Tia- it’s Jaryd!”
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Re: Unexpected Reunion [Attn: Jaryd]

Post by Roan » January 16th, 2017, 1:12 am

Tia Tomosan
Instinct had gripped Tia the moment she regained consciousness. She hadn’t registered Jaryd’s presence until her miniature lightning bolt very nearly slammed into the Asha’man. As it went flying, she pushed back, pulling her legs to her chest as she scanned the area with panic filled eyes. It took several seconds for her to realize her assailant was restrained off to one side, and the Asha’man had somehow come to her aid.

The Aes Sedai put a shaky hand to her throat as she gasped for one ragged breath after another. Memories came flooding back of another time. . .when she’d been absolutely helpless to stop what was done to her, or done through her. She was an Aes Sedai, yet here she was paralyzed by fear, and helpless in the defense of her own life while walking the streets of her home.

Tears threatened to spill over, though any knot at the back of her throat was overshadowed by rawness from the attack by Devlin. She struggled to swallow and turned reluctant eyes to Jaryd, “Th..thank you.” Her words were more of a hoarse croak than anything, and she winced as she tried to clear her throat. “I. . .he would have killed me,” she said, or at least tried to.

The Aes Sedai’s breathing may have slowed, but she was still trembling. “I couldn’t stop him,” she admitted.

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Re: Unexpected Reunion [Attn: Jaryd]

Post by Sunny » January 16th, 2017, 1:13 am

Jaryd scrubbed his hands up and down his arms as he stared at the prone woman before him. Tia had green eyes; he had forgotten that. They traveled around the courtyard without truly seeing him. When she did finally catch his gaze, he rocked back on his heels and nearly fell. An all too familiar abyss of terror stared back at him.

Light! The Green’s fear cut right through every other thought and feeling in Jaryd’s mind, laid him bare to the soul. Tia wasn’t any better than he was...she just hid it behind that mask of poise and grace. Scared...so scared…and angry. Rage burned there, too, enough to incinerate her would-be attacker where he stood if she thought about it.

Wetting his lips, the Red pushed himself forward once more. “I am not going to hurt you,” he said gently. “Just get you out of the snow.” He pulled her upright with care, hands shifting until he had one arm looped around her shoulders protectively and the other’s fingers intertwined with hers. “You’re safe, Tia. Light, you’re safe.”

The man in the cage of saidin made a crude observation, and Jaryd twisted to face him, speaking through gritted teeth. “Silence.” The stranger laughed, and the Asha’man’s fingers flicked. The crass commentary cut off mid-word, and Jaryd turned back to the Aes Sedai, realizing belatedly that perhaps his touch would do more harm than good.
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False alarm- there's still a song for me; I'm just about around to sing it
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Re: Unexpected Reunion [Attn: Jaryd]

Post by Roan » January 16th, 2017, 1:14 am

Tia Tomosan
Gentle hands guided her, pulled her out of the snow and helped Tia to her feet. The soft voice that spoke to her took on a hard edge when directed towards Devlin, while those deep, soulful eyes seemed to freeze Tia in place. I’m safe. Jaryd says I’m safe, she thought to herself. She tried to focus on her breathing and slow it down one deliberate breath after another. Squeezing Jaryd’s hand, partly in an attempt to ensure he was real, and partly a form of acknowledgement, she spoke in hoarse tones, “Where did you come from?”

Jaryd offered a small, but wry smile, “Not important. Suffice it to say, I saw him duck into the alley behind you, and doubted he was up to any good. I have no intention of letting my friends walk into a trap without going to their aid.”

“I am grateful for your keen eye and quick actions,” Tia replied and tried to clear her throat again. “I do not like to think what would have happened if. . .” she trailed off.

The conversation should have been enough to bring her back to center, and initially, it was. One instant, she was focused on the former M’Hael’s eyes and gentle voice, while the next, the world seemed to spin around her. The sounds of the market were at once far off, and directly upon her, a cacophony that amplified already raw senses.

Before Jaryd stood not an Aes Sedai, but a scared and scarred young woman who needed an escape. She looked around with wild eyes as the Source surged into her once again. She shook her head and tried to pull away, “What good is it to have a shawl if I cannot protect my own neck in my own town?”

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Re: Unexpected Reunion [Attn: Jaryd]

Post by Sunny » January 16th, 2017, 1:15 am

Tingles flashed up Jaryd’s spine and he tensed, saidin wrapping around him like a fiery cloak as Tia pulled away. If she struck again, there would be no escape unless he could cut the flows. The Altaran’s heart pounded so hard against his ribs he thought it might break free, his thoughts tumbling along nonsensical paths. His body felt cold where she had so briefly pressed against it, and his fingers flexed instinctively, wanting to pull her back.

He met green eyes as the Aes Sedai spoke, and suddenly he stood not in Hama Valon, but rather in the M’Hael’s study. His study. Figures flickered and danced, cavorting around him in ways that no human should be able. He fought for his life against formless shadows that moved with liquid grace. Trapped, he could do nothing as Kaia clutched her side and collapsed. She fell forever, and Jaryd with her, while Regann laughed and the bond stretched, thinned, snapped. Savage cold bit through him, erasing sight and memory.

Something blocked the Red’s hand from clutching at his chest. He blinked, struggling through shadows of memory, until he found himself back in a snow-covered alley facing a young woman whose fear had erased the serenity of Tower training, leaving only pale face, big eyes, and a white knuckled grip on his upper arms. He couldn’t save Kaia. He couldn’t protect Zeen. Red couldn’t overcome the horrific pain that ate at him every day. What good did it do indeed?

He couldn’t do any of those things, but he had the power to help the woman who stared at him in frozen shock.

“A shawl is not armor,” he said quietly. He felt stiff, as if he had not moved in hours. “It does not, by itself, grant strength, wisdom, or the ability to see behind your own back.” His eyes slid to the side to where her would-be attacker stood in his invisible bindings. What had the man been thinking? “We are all only human, Tia, and sometimes the Pattern weaves unexpected events into our path. Aes Sedai or Asha’man, we react the same as any human would.” His voice broke at the word ‘path,’ and he barely managed to finish what he had intended to say. Then he fell silent, black eyes dropping to stare at the pale scars that mottled his hands.
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Re: Unexpected Reunion [Attn: Jaryd]

Post by Roan » January 16th, 2017, 1:16 am

Tia Tomosan
A shawl is not armor.

The chaotic sounds of the market started to fall away, and the world started to settle as Tia focused on Jaryd’s words.

We are all only human. . .

Human, but more than an ordinary human with strengths and power beyond imagination for some.

. . the Pattern weaves unexpected events in our path.

Did his voice waver? Tia turned her wide eyes to Jaryd just as he looked to his scarred hands. Tia’s own dark memories were brought to the surface, leaving the Aes Sedai wrung and raw, but seeing his hands, she knew whatever she’d been through, he’d experienced much worse. At least Aluana’s control over her hadn’t been so utterly complete as what Jaryd and Zeen had been put through.

Tia’s fear and panic began to subside and she hesitantly reached out and took his hands in hers. She wasn’t entirely sure why she’d done it, but physical contact in that moment seemed what he. . .perhaps what they both needed. His hands were warm against her own chilled fingers, providing her a bit of comfort.

Biting her lip, Tia let out a soft sigh, “It is easy to forget that we are, at the end of it all, simply human despite the gifts the Creator has bestowed upon us.” She looked up, green eyes meeting dark brown and offered an almost shy smile, “There was a time I would have traded anything to wear Drin grey over Novice whites, yet I spent virtually no time in the Yards aside from the odd day with my bow at the archery range. I am sure there is no small amount of irony that even a basic understanding of unarmed may well have resulted in a different outcome.” She took another deep breath and heaved it out, “And now. . .I am embarrassed for overreacting.”

The shy smile turned warm, “It seems, Jaryd Asha’man, I am in your debt.”

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Re: Unexpected Reunion [Attn: Jaryd]

Post by Sunny » January 28th, 2017, 8:20 pm

Jaryd blinked, his skin prickling as Tia’s fingers intertwined with his. He had done the same moments before, why did it seem so different now? Because I’m not in control, his mind laughed at him. He shook his head ruefully as his attention shifted to the Green’s words, his fingers tightening around hers unconsciously. “There are no debts between friends,” he said, returning her smile with one of his own. “Merely acts of kindness that come from a place of true care.” The Altaran squeezed her fingers once more, then reluctantly let go.

His gaze shifted to the man who still stood watching them in Power-wrought silence. His voice hardened as he let the Ward fall. “We’ll need to fetch the Guard to deal with this….person. The penalty for attacking an Aes Sedai is not light.” The stranger paled visibly and opened his mouth; Jaryd cocked an eyebrow at him, and after a moment the taller man fell silent, pale-faced. The Asha’man smiled grimly, and offered his hand to Tia.

Once the man had been turned over to the Guard with a brief explanation of what happened, Jaryd turned to Tia. “Let’s get out of the cold,” he suggested, nodding to the inn across the square. “They have good wine and better food, and maybe we could talk a bit?” The dark man’s eyes lit up at her nod of acceptance.

As they meandered through the crowd, Jaryd’s mind drifted back to something Tia had said. “I won’t tell you not to be embarrassed for being upset, but I will tell you there is no shame in your fear,” he commented quietly. “There is no guarantee that training would have changed anything, especially since…” he hesitated. “I do not think you were responding to Devlin,” he said finally, his tone gentle. “What happened, Tia?”
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False alarm- there's still a song for me; I'm just about around to sing it
There's still a chance for me...and I'm still here singing.

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Re: Unexpected Reunion [Attn: Jaryd]

Post by Roan » January 28th, 2017, 8:50 pm

Tia Tomosan
Tia felt relieved at Jaryd’s offer of finding a place for food and drink, and a chance to talk. At least, she felt relieved until he asked her one simple question. ”What happened, Tia?

Light and Ashes, how did he know?

The memory of Devlin came flooding back, but instead of feeling the heat of his massive hands on her neck, she felt cold steel. Instinctively, she reached up to touch her bare neck, and felt her breath catch for a moment. Other memories came rushing back. The sight of a child killed by her skills with Lightning, the sound of guards screaming as she lashed out with air, ice and lightning, and the knowledge she nearly killed her mother. . .all of it because of that damned collar and Aluana.

Part of Tia wanted to snap back What do you think happened? She didn’t though, as it wasn’t Jaryd’s fault she froze. He was just. . .being a friend. The Aes Sedai had done such a great job of shutting everyone out about what happened to her with the Seanchan. She was determined to forget it ever happened and move forward with her life. She thought she’d been doing so well until Devlin.

She almost scowled at Jaryd, but her expression softened to one of contemplation. With a half shrug, she started to reply, though struggled for words initially. After a false start or three, she finally managed, “I froze. His hands went to my neck, and I froze. My mind went to. . .her and the Seanchan. . .and that bloody collar. I was not in that alley, but back at their camp being punished for some misstep by her. . .by Aluana.”

Tia looked away, frowning as she shook her head, “It wasn’t just Devlin. I didn’t even see him, if I were honest. I saw her.” Tears that had welled up as her thoughts went back to the attack spilled down her cheeks. The night's breeze cooling their damp trail. The Aes Sedai forced herself to take a deep, shaky breath before looking back to Jaryd, "She is the demon that hides in my closet."

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Re: Unexpected Reunion [Attn: Jaryd]

Post by Sunny » February 10th, 2017, 4:47 am

The first flutter of Tia’s hand told Jaryd all he needed to know. As she spoke, the world around him grew brighter, louder, an overwhelming miasma of color and sound and movement that threatened to consume him. The collar…Light! His own fingers rose to his throat, his body tensing up- only to relax once more when his touch brushed across a small black stone on a gold chain. No collar. I’ll be good! Tia had suffered the same as he….alone How did she survive? To live so long with that weight and no help bearing it?

The Red didn’t remember stopping, and certainly didn’t remember putting his arms around his companion. And yet...somehow they stood stock still in the middle of the milling crowd with Tia’s face pressed against his chest, one arm around her waist and the other hooked up so his fingers could splay across her shoulders. The olive-skinned man bowed his head, lips brushing against the younger woman’s hairline.

His heart pounded as he fought for control. The Green needed him there, not lost in his own nightmare. He needed to be there. “I understand,” he said softly, his grip tightening as he became aware of her sobs. “You have been through so much, Tia. You have suffered more than most in the Tower can imagine. It’s...a horrible burden to carry. I am so sorry.” He kissed her forehead again, comforting both of them with the simple gesture. “You are safe with me,” he continued after a short pause. His hand shifted, slender fingers combing through long brown hair soothingly. “You are always safe with me.” She nodded once, but didn’t move or push away.

Tavern forgotten, Jaryd stood still in the snow and offered his friend what comfort and warmth he could as she fought with her demons, his head bowed low to be near hers, his grip secure and tight. When at last Tia shifted it was only to tilt her head up and look at him. Their faces were so close then that their breath mingled, their eyes searching one another for the answer to an unspoken question. For a moment the Red hesitated; then all willpower gave way and he pressed his lips against Tia’s, electric shock arcing through him at the caress, leaving him breathless and shaking in its wake.

“Tia, I'm-” Their lips met again and Jaryd forgot what he had been about to say as his hand shifted to cup the back of her head.
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False alarm- there's still a song for me; I'm just about around to sing it
There's still a chance for me...and I'm still here singing.

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