Olin stood in the Garden of the Grey Tower, practicing his newfound world. So far he had been able to piece a few facts about it together, although after his experience at the wall, he had avoided the Warder Yard.
His arm was healed, although the extra chores he had been given for playing with weapons he didn't deserve had been a hard sip to swallow. Still it had been a better lie that anything he could have thought to tell.
Suddenly his mouth flooded with soapberry juice, and he was left gasping and gagging as he spat out the vile liquid. As it fell towards the grass it vanished, and he cursed himself for a fool. His mother had often washed their mouths with the vile juice of the berries, as punishment for foul language or for lying.
"Light blasted idiot, you know losing your train of thought here is bad," he cursed as he had to once more replace his old chore clothes with his familiar Soldier uniform.
The little he had been able to piece together from questions in class let him know that the world he was in mirrored the real world, but it was a reflection that took time. As such many of the flowers in the Garden were not present here, while the trees remained the same. Flowers simply weren't around long enough to leave an impression. He also knew that there were tales of people touching this world briefly and waking with injuries or bruises.
But as he practiced imagining various flowers and other items appearing in his hands he had to admit that it called to him in a way he had yet to truly understand.
To Learn from a Dream (Attn: Marla)
To Learn from a Dream (Attn: Marla)
"Every man is the hero of his own song," Tad Williams.
- "Knife of Dreams"
- Posts: 3757
- Joined: July 18th, 2014, 3:23 am
- PC: Jaryd Kosari
- SC: Dakson Torellion
- TC: Finn
- QC: Owen Andarin
Re: To Learn from a Dream (Attn: Marla)
Amadie Laine
The danger to the Tower had passed, though Amadie couldn’t have said how long ago. After all, time held little meaning in Tel’aran’rhiod. The Aes Sedai (could she even consider herself that anymore now she had chosen to remain?) wandered from place to place and dream to dream. She avoided those Dreamwalkers who might recognize her face. They were her only real marker of passing time, and she did not want to deal with their questions or their reality.
Occasionally it occurred to her that her existence made no sense, in the grander scheme of things. How did she remain without sustenance or rest? And yet those thoughts fluttered away to unimportance the moment she shifted locations and found a new marvel to distract her.
She gradually became aware of a new presence in her sanctuary: a young man in black, with brown hair and a strong frame. The Domani woman knew that uniform all too well, and for a time she avoided the areas he liked to visit. Eventually, however, curiosity that verged on irrational hunger drove her closer. It quickly became apparent that he neither knew what he was doing, nor had an instructor to teach him. He carried no ter’angreal and seemed aware of and delighted by the world he had discovered.
It didn’t surprise her that the boy’s Talent had escaped the Tower’s notice. Her own had developed in much the same way, after all, and Carra had clearly chosen to keep her ability a secret. However….her early years of exploration had been terrifying. She had yearned for a mentor, yet lacked the ability to find one. Does he feel the same?
Meaningless time passed, the boy flickering in and out and around the Tower while Amadie watched from the shadows and contemplated what to do. He creates beauty, not pain, she thought as she observed him forming flowers from the ether. Something about that thought firmed her resolve.
Brown eyes focused intently on the charming scenario and she began to build an image in her head. Blossoming trees, growing plants, flowers, pleasant scents, the gentle warmth of a late spring day….with the reality of that image fixed in her mind, that was where the stranger now sat. With a slight smile, Amadie moved to join him.
“The World of Dreams is not for the faint of heart,” the blue-clad woman said quietly. She so rarely spoke; the very act of creating words felt awkward. Thankfully her voice remained even and smooth, velvet tones just loud enough to be heard. “Yet I see you here, time and again, trying to learn your way about. Your courage is commendable, but could get you killed. What is your name, child?”
Occasionally it occurred to her that her existence made no sense, in the grander scheme of things. How did she remain without sustenance or rest? And yet those thoughts fluttered away to unimportance the moment she shifted locations and found a new marvel to distract her.
She gradually became aware of a new presence in her sanctuary: a young man in black, with brown hair and a strong frame. The Domani woman knew that uniform all too well, and for a time she avoided the areas he liked to visit. Eventually, however, curiosity that verged on irrational hunger drove her closer. It quickly became apparent that he neither knew what he was doing, nor had an instructor to teach him. He carried no ter’angreal and seemed aware of and delighted by the world he had discovered.
It didn’t surprise her that the boy’s Talent had escaped the Tower’s notice. Her own had developed in much the same way, after all, and Carra had clearly chosen to keep her ability a secret. However….her early years of exploration had been terrifying. She had yearned for a mentor, yet lacked the ability to find one. Does he feel the same?
Meaningless time passed, the boy flickering in and out and around the Tower while Amadie watched from the shadows and contemplated what to do. He creates beauty, not pain, she thought as she observed him forming flowers from the ether. Something about that thought firmed her resolve.
Brown eyes focused intently on the charming scenario and she began to build an image in her head. Blossoming trees, growing plants, flowers, pleasant scents, the gentle warmth of a late spring day….with the reality of that image fixed in her mind, that was where the stranger now sat. With a slight smile, Amadie moved to join him.
“The World of Dreams is not for the faint of heart,” the blue-clad woman said quietly. She so rarely spoke; the very act of creating words felt awkward. Thankfully her voice remained even and smooth, velvet tones just loud enough to be heard. “Yet I see you here, time and again, trying to learn your way about. Your courage is commendable, but could get you killed. What is your name, child?”
Re: To Learn from a Dream (Attn: Marla)
Olin was intent on making the flowers and enjoying the wonder of being able to create so readily in the remarkable new world. And so he did not notice the changes that came over the landscape, until he felt the warmth of spring sunshine on the green grass that had blanketed the land around him.
Looking up he saw the blossoms, a variety of tree and flowers he had never seen in the foothills of Ghealdan. The smells were intoxicating, and so he was caught by surprise when a voice suddenly spoke to him.
With a thought a small bramble bush appeared among the blossoms and spring oasis that had been created. The tough wood and thorns had often tangled him when he rode through the gulleys, and his mind had recalled the defence in his panic.
As he saw the Aes Sedai before him, Olin realized that there was likely little to fear. Even her voice and the way she addressed him as Child reminded him of many of the instructors at the Grey Tower.
"Forgive me Aes Sedai, my name is Olin Trakon, of Ghealdan and now the Grey Tower. I hope I did not intrude upon a dream of yours, but to answer your question I can't seem to help but be drawn here. I have been trying to learn a little more on my journeys since my first time here," said Olin as he thought of the dream he had interrupted and the attack that had cause him injury to his arm.
As if by magic, the weeping gash of the sword cut once more appeared on his arm, and Olin cried out in pain and surprise, "What in the light is this, how can I relive a wound now healed."
Olin was intent on making the flowers and enjoying the wonder of being able to create so readily in the remarkable new world. And so he did not notice the changes that came over the landscape, until he felt the warmth of spring sunshine on the green grass that had blanketed the land around him.
Looking up he saw the blossoms, a variety of tree and flowers he had never seen in the foothills of Ghealdan. The smells were intoxicating, and so he was caught by surprise when a voice suddenly spoke to him.
With a thought a small bramble bush appeared among the blossoms and spring oasis that had been created. The tough wood and thorns had often tangled him when he rode through the gulleys, and his mind had recalled the defence in his panic.
As he saw the Aes Sedai before him, Olin realized that there was likely little to fear. Even her voice and the way she addressed him as Child reminded him of many of the instructors at the Grey Tower.
"Forgive me Aes Sedai, my name is Olin Trakon, of Ghealdan and now the Grey Tower. I hope I did not intrude upon a dream of yours, but to answer your question I can't seem to help but be drawn here. I have been trying to learn a little more on my journeys since my first time here," said Olin as he thought of the dream he had interrupted and the attack that had cause him injury to his arm.
As if by magic, the weeping gash of the sword cut once more appeared on his arm, and Olin cried out in pain and surprise, "What in the light is this, how can I relive a wound now healed."
"Every man is the hero of his own song," Tad Williams.
- "Knife of Dreams"
- Posts: 3757
- Joined: July 18th, 2014, 3:23 am
- PC: Jaryd Kosari
- SC: Dakson Torellion
- TC: Finn
- QC: Owen Andarin
Re: To Learn from a Dream (Attn: Marla)
“Olin.” Amadie said the name as if tasting it. In a way, perhaps she was. Living (could she call it that?) in Tel’aran’rhiod had taught her that everything had its own unique qualities that went far deeper than sight, sound, or touch. The silence stretched as she contemplated that idea until the boy cried out, his distress reminding her of his presence. She peered at him, realizing a heartbeat later that dark red liquid gushed from a wide cut on his arm.
The Domani woman fixed her mind on the idea of his arm, whole and unblemished. Physical injuries were more difficult to contend with than the placement of a chair or the color of one’s hair, but eventually the blood stopped flowing and the boy -Olin- relaxed.
“Tel’aran’rhiod is shaped and influenced by our thoughts,” she said calmly. “Every stray thought has its effect.” One moment they were surrounded by flowers in the Tower Gardens; the next they were sitting in the middle of the Waste. Even in the World of Dreams, the heat was insufferable. Two heartbeats there and the world spun again, this time dropping them in the middle of the swamps that surrounded Illian. Two more heartbeats and the boy was standing in thin air, two paces from the edge of a cliff at World’s End. There she stopped, her mind holding him in place even as he struggled.
“This place is strange and beautiful, addictive, alluring.” Her voice had become misty and distant. “I remember. I was a novice when I first came here, and I spent hours simply flying.” She shook her head “I quickly learned that as beautiful as it seems, Tel’aran’rhiod is a viper’s den.”
One moment he was hovering thousands of feet over crashing waves; the next he was safely on the grass to her right. “You must be wary,” she said, her voice intense. “Damage received here will endure to the waking world, and the Shadow's followers delight in pain. Is there no one in the Tower who can train you properly?” It wasn’t until the words left her mouth that Amadie realized she no longer considered herself a part of them.
OOC: If you want to adjust things so Olin is Dedicated when this happens, I'm down with that. The Domani woman fixed her mind on the idea of his arm, whole and unblemished. Physical injuries were more difficult to contend with than the placement of a chair or the color of one’s hair, but eventually the blood stopped flowing and the boy -Olin- relaxed.
“Tel’aran’rhiod is shaped and influenced by our thoughts,” she said calmly. “Every stray thought has its effect.” One moment they were surrounded by flowers in the Tower Gardens; the next they were sitting in the middle of the Waste. Even in the World of Dreams, the heat was insufferable. Two heartbeats there and the world spun again, this time dropping them in the middle of the swamps that surrounded Illian. Two more heartbeats and the boy was standing in thin air, two paces from the edge of a cliff at World’s End. There she stopped, her mind holding him in place even as he struggled.
“This place is strange and beautiful, addictive, alluring.” Her voice had become misty and distant. “I remember. I was a novice when I first came here, and I spent hours simply flying.” She shook her head “I quickly learned that as beautiful as it seems, Tel’aran’rhiod is a viper’s den.”
One moment he was hovering thousands of feet over crashing waves; the next he was safely on the grass to her right. “You must be wary,” she said, her voice intense. “Damage received here will endure to the waking world, and the Shadow's followers delight in pain. Is there no one in the Tower who can train you properly?” It wasn’t until the words left her mouth that Amadie realized she no longer considered herself a part of them.

Re: To Learn from a Dream (Attn: Marla)
Olin watched in awe as Amadie seemingly with her mind alone closed the wound on his arm. The flesh slowly repaired and was once again restored and healthy. As his body was restored, he relaxed and was glad that the Aes Sedai had been present to aid him.
“Tel’aran’rhiod is shaped and influenced by our thoughts,” she said calmly. “Every stray thought has its effect.” Olin heard her say, but before he could even let the lesson sink in, they were somehow transported through a series of landscapes. Each flew by in a flash, but as moment to moment took them to the flowers in the Tower Gardens; or sitting in the middle of the Waste, baking in the heat he noticed the subtle stillness and slight hints that these were reflections and not truly the waking. Two more heartbeats and the boy was standing in thin air, two paces from the edge of a cliff at World’s End. Suddenly he was dangling two paces off the ground, hanging in mid air by an invisible force. He felt none of the telltale signs of a woman channeling, which meant he was struggling against her will or mind Olin thought in awe.
“This place is strange and beautiful, addictive, alluring.” Her voice had become misty and distant. “I remember. I was a novice when I first came here, and I spent hours simply flying.” She shook her head “I quickly learned that as beautiful as it seems, Tel’aran’rhiod is a viper’s den.”
One moment he was hovering thousands of feet over crashing waves; the next he was safely on the grass to her right. “You must be wary,” she said, her voice intense. “Damage received here will endure to the waking world, and the Shadow delights in pain and torture," the Aes Sedai warned, continuing her questioning by asking him if there was no one left at the Grey Tower to teach him. Before he could ask her to explain further on that thought, the fatigue of the travels had him release the world of dreams, and slide back into his own sleep.
Many weeks later, Olin once more decided to explore the world of dreams. His three Arches were behind him, but the lessons he had learned there coupled with Amadie's warnings had given him great pause. But this evening found him once more in Tel'aran'rhiod. Remembering what she had told him, he kept his mind focused, the sword pin on his Dedicated uniform readily coming to mind. In the world of dreams his vision didn't feel as impaired, although a finger quickly confirmed the scar was still there.
Concentrating on the sense he had gained of the woman who had provided him warning on the nature of this place, he allowed his mind to follow its instincts, and suddenly he found himself standing upon an unknown shore, close to the woman who stood watching the surf and spray.
"Greetings Aes Sedai," called Olin as he approached, the ground blooming beneath him in a spray of flower petals as he practiced exerting his mind on the surroundings around him. As he sat down, he decided to ask a question that had been bugging him since there last meeting.
"Pardons if I seem hasty, but maybe you can tell me. Often times I feel like my dreams are more lucid, that they change and respond to my thoughts more readily. It's almost like halfway between being here and being in the waking world. Is it possible to have an oasis of your own in the dreams, somewhere solely yours? Or am I unknowingly coming to Tel'aran'rhiod, because that seems even more dangerous than coming here knowingly. Also, I would ask you to teach me. I've met Miahala Sedai, and I believe she can dream as well, but with her duties I do not want to trouble her," Olin spoke in a rush of excitement.
OOC: Time jumped in the middle. And thinking of the dreamshard idea the books touch on a little.
Olin watched in awe as Amadie seemingly with her mind alone closed the wound on his arm. The flesh slowly repaired and was once again restored and healthy. As his body was restored, he relaxed and was glad that the Aes Sedai had been present to aid him.
“Tel’aran’rhiod is shaped and influenced by our thoughts,” she said calmly. “Every stray thought has its effect.” Olin heard her say, but before he could even let the lesson sink in, they were somehow transported through a series of landscapes. Each flew by in a flash, but as moment to moment took them to the flowers in the Tower Gardens; or sitting in the middle of the Waste, baking in the heat he noticed the subtle stillness and slight hints that these were reflections and not truly the waking. Two more heartbeats and the boy was standing in thin air, two paces from the edge of a cliff at World’s End. Suddenly he was dangling two paces off the ground, hanging in mid air by an invisible force. He felt none of the telltale signs of a woman channeling, which meant he was struggling against her will or mind Olin thought in awe.
“This place is strange and beautiful, addictive, alluring.” Her voice had become misty and distant. “I remember. I was a novice when I first came here, and I spent hours simply flying.” She shook her head “I quickly learned that as beautiful as it seems, Tel’aran’rhiod is a viper’s den.”
One moment he was hovering thousands of feet over crashing waves; the next he was safely on the grass to her right. “You must be wary,” she said, her voice intense. “Damage received here will endure to the waking world, and the Shadow delights in pain and torture," the Aes Sedai warned, continuing her questioning by asking him if there was no one left at the Grey Tower to teach him. Before he could ask her to explain further on that thought, the fatigue of the travels had him release the world of dreams, and slide back into his own sleep.
Many weeks later, Olin once more decided to explore the world of dreams. His three Arches were behind him, but the lessons he had learned there coupled with Amadie's warnings had given him great pause. But this evening found him once more in Tel'aran'rhiod. Remembering what she had told him, he kept his mind focused, the sword pin on his Dedicated uniform readily coming to mind. In the world of dreams his vision didn't feel as impaired, although a finger quickly confirmed the scar was still there.
Concentrating on the sense he had gained of the woman who had provided him warning on the nature of this place, he allowed his mind to follow its instincts, and suddenly he found himself standing upon an unknown shore, close to the woman who stood watching the surf and spray.
"Greetings Aes Sedai," called Olin as he approached, the ground blooming beneath him in a spray of flower petals as he practiced exerting his mind on the surroundings around him. As he sat down, he decided to ask a question that had been bugging him since there last meeting.
"Pardons if I seem hasty, but maybe you can tell me. Often times I feel like my dreams are more lucid, that they change and respond to my thoughts more readily. It's almost like halfway between being here and being in the waking world. Is it possible to have an oasis of your own in the dreams, somewhere solely yours? Or am I unknowingly coming to Tel'aran'rhiod, because that seems even more dangerous than coming here knowingly. Also, I would ask you to teach me. I've met Miahala Sedai, and I believe she can dream as well, but with her duties I do not want to trouble her," Olin spoke in a rush of excitement.
OOC: Time jumped in the middle. And thinking of the dreamshard idea the books touch on a little.
"Every man is the hero of his own song," Tad Williams.
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