"I was just watching Tayla's weaves," she explained, "and I was thinking of how, when I came back to the ships, I never thought I would want to leave them again. But...I did, and when I made that decision I was glad to put them behind me...." She paused, not entirely sure how to describe what she'd been thinking and the emotions she was still feeling; there was some guilt for how she'd left, some remembered misery from the days before she'd made up her mind to leave....but there was also contentment in having found her place in the Grey Tower, where her younger self had never expected to belong.
She moved closer to Haeden as they walked, though she wasn't entirely aware that she was doing so, and in a voice hardly above a whisper Liaran explained, "I suppose I was just never meant for the life of a Windfinder; I don't have the Talent for it as strongly as most do among my people, and those I do have I could never put to use here. Returning to the Grey Tower felt almost like becoming a whole person again." The Aes Sedai smiled, though, as a thought occurred to her, and Liaran even managed a little quiet laughter. "If the girl I was could see me now," she confided to her husband, "I think she'd be shocked by who I've become!"