Like any ship, this one had been built for function and not form, leaving her with little of interest to show to Haeden as they began to walk. While she did not think she would ever tire of the view of sea and sky they did have, Liaran knew Haeden wanted to learn more and wanted to share everything she could with him. She increased her speed, moving with the swaying gait that she retained even after living so many years on land. As they approached the first of the raker's large masts, the Aes Sedai slowed down and looked towards her husband.
"You may just have to ask me what you want to know," she admitted. "I don't remember ever being taught how to sail, exactly...there are rules, of course, skills to be learned, but so much of it was just another part of life for me. Words can't quite explain it....just imagine if you had tried to teach me about riding only by telling me about it, instead of showing me how." Liaran tilted her head back, studying the sails above their heads briefly before lowering her head and redirecting her attention to Haeden.